Limbo Kids (Oxford, UK) return after a brief 10 year hiatus with the 3-track EP ‘Siren Song’

Limbo Kids (Oxford, UK) return after a brief 10 year hiatus with the 3-track EP ‘Siren Song’, released on Friday July 5.

The three-piece group, currently semi-divided between the UK and County Cork, Ireland, are fronted by James Hitchman (Alphabet Backwards) and Mark Stephenson (ex. Minor Coles) who have written songs together for over two decades, and continue to do so despite the Irish Sea that now lies between them. The songwriting duo are very fortunate to be supported by Paul Davidson (also Alphabet Backwards) on drums/percussion.

The EP, with the songs Dopamine, A Better Part, and Riptide, demonstrates the bands love of big pop melodies combined with hooky angular guitars, two lead singers, and an often happy/sad juxtoposition.

The 3-track EP was primarily recorded in Limbo Loft v2.0 in Mark’s current residence of Bandon, Co. Cork (hometown of a noble heron, also Graham Norton) and was mixed by James Hitchman back in Oxford UK.

A second EP is currently being recorded and is scheduled to follow at the end of 2025.

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